Wednesday, July 15, 2015

To fight Isis in Last Blood

PRINTA A ARambo's unquenchable thirst to shoot things whilst wearing a headband has previously taken him to Vietnam, Thailand, Afghanistan and Burma, but in Last Blood he is reportedly set to head to Syria, where he will face his toughest enemies yet: Isis.
UPDATE: A rep for Stallone has denied the rumour, which it seems stemmed from a fake new site. "Sylvester Stallone did not attend Comic-Con 2015, and consequently there was no official remark from him regarding Rambo made there at the event," they said. "This is not an accurate report."
If nothing else, the rumour might have stirred the project back into action, which was been gestating for some time.
"We have teams scouting Iraq and parts of Syria where Isis have their greatest strongholds," Stallone reportedly announced at Comic-Con. "We're working with the locals there to help deliver the most intense and realistic Rambo movie experience ever."
If it's realism he's going for, I guess this means Rambo will get caught in a lengthy war of attrition with the militant group (or a fictionalised version of them), or else Stallone is going gonzo and will mount an assault on these 'strongholds' himself with the cameras rolling.

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