Thursday, October 27, 2011

Megan Fox Hates Hillbillies

Much as I shake my head every time Megan Fox opens her mouth, recently I've come to believe that every time she does open her mouth, out pops a pearl. Not a pearl of wisdom, mind you — that would be an imbecilic notion — but a pearl of a headline. Honestly, this stuff just writes itself, and who's going to turn down a gift like that?
Speaking recently with the UK's TotalFilm, the young actress was asked about how she would stop the villainous Megatron from destroying Earth. At first Fox said that she'd "make a deal" with the megalomaniacal Decepticon, but then added the below:
"…and instead of the entire planet, can you just take out all of the white trash (sic), hillbilly (sic), anti-gay(sic), super bible-beating (sic) people in Middle America?"
That's right, folks, Megan Fox just dissed pretty much all of Middle America with one fell swoop. Even Megatron would be impressed with the destructive sweep of her aspersions.
Thanks, Megan.
Fox has previously stated — and I'm paraphrasing here — that she is so damn fine looking that studios will keep casting her in films no matter whether she is a good actress or not; prepared or not; and apparently politically correct or not.
It's not that there isn't perhaps a kernel of truth in her outlook on Hollywood, it's that she perhaps ought to keep it to herself. Betty Davis could get away with it back in the day, but then Bette Davis was a damn fine actress who didn't suffer fools gladly. Eventually, Fox's looks will fade, though we suspect her career will flame out long before that.
Which raises an interesting point: Perhaps all of this is nothing more than a cheap (and tactless) publicity stunt to keep her name in front of the media while she can.

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