Monday, October 10, 2011

New Yorkers Angered by Will Smith’s Gigantic Men in Black 3 Trailer

Picture this: A star trailer larger than most two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartments in New York City, with 1150 sq ft of room! Sort of boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
It also describes the conveyance that actor Will Smith tows around with him when shooting a movie. The actor is in NYC right now filming Men in Black 3, and his rolling residence seems to be generating some ire on the part of locals, according to the NY Post. Nicknamed “The Heat,” the $2M vehicle includes a lounge, a movie room with a 100-inch screen, marble floors throughout, offices for his assistants and writing staff (holds at least 30 people), a large bedroom and all-granite bathroom. It is about 53 feet long, has 22 wheels and weight around 30 tons.
Not only did the actor park his trailer right on a SoHo street, but he also brought along a second 55-foot trailer containing a full-sized gym.
“This thing is like a duplex,” said one person. “How would Will Smith feel if I parked that thing out in front of his house? People forget this is a residential neighborhood, not a film lot.”
“The smell that comes along with it is disgusting,” said another person. “It’s like living in a gas station. I really like Will Smith, but I would be embarrassed if that was my trailer. A little modesty goes a long way.”
Meanwhile, a local store-owner has been complaining that the giant trailer has been hurting sales. “This is killing our business,” said the co-owner of the nearby Green Street Antiques.
Perhaps it wouldn’t all be so bad it weren’t for the fact that the actor has a luxury apartment (5-bedroom, 6.5-bathroom, costing $25,000 per month) less than a mile away.
Smith is not in violation of any city ordinances, but public outcries like this often reach the mayor’s office, and this one did. The Office of Film Theatre and Broadcasting decided that the trailer needed to move to a private lot. Smith may be a big movie star, but the locals have voting power, after all.
We love Will Smith, but in these tough economic times, a bit of sensitivity is probably advisable, particularly given the excess on display. That said, we’d fancy a peak at the inside of his 1150 sq ft palace on wheels any day.

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